The Value of a Good Domain Name
Although listed in our top 8 tips on domain names, I thought I'd follow up on the subject of tip #5, the value of good domain names.
The key to a good domain is to use keywords that fit the type of service you sell or clearly describe what the business or website is about. Catchy names or acronyms might seem clever, but they rarely describe the business or service at all.
One point to note is that Google factors in domain names when ranking your site in search results. A domain name that includes keywords that fit your business and are also used throughout your website, is one thing you can do to improve your search rankings. Google is big on relevance, so using keywords that have relevance to your domain, business and website content have an impact.
Another point is when people see a domain name, they know exactly what you do without even visiting the website. This immediate recognition can help people subconsciously decide to click first, a big thing in a highly competitive market. We've all seen web addresses on the back of a car and wondered what they do or sell.
In the early days of the Internet there was value in keeping domain names short. Having to type long domain names was, and still is, a pain. Keeping it short seemed a smart thing to do and the use of acronyms was common. Even we at Australian Webpage Effects thought it clever to use our acronym of AWE. We wanted something catchy. With predictive typing on phones and search websites longer names are hardly an issue. The value in keyword rich domain names far outweighs the negatives of long names when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). People searching for a subject aren't likely to search for our business name, they would search for a service.
With 20/20 hindsight I'd use something more specific to my services, but changing domain names now would lose potentially valuable rankings, Google reputation and backlinks built up over years of online presence.
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Your domain name needs to tell everyone who you are and what you do.